Demons (Common Ones)
Anger, rage, hatred, malice, wrath, hidden anger/hate
Ought, unforgiveness, bitterness, hidden unforgiveness/bitterness
Resentment, animosity, spite, hidden resentment/animosity
Annoyance, irritability, intolerance, frustration, agitation, impatience
Quick temper, violence, murder, abortion
Negativity, antagonism, disagreement, pessimism, complaining, murmuring
Strife, conflict, contention, suspicion, bickering, arguing, discord, quarreling, fighting, friction, blaming
Swearing, intimidation, fear inducing
Hurt, indifference, cruelty, destruction
Cursing someone, blasphemy, evil gestures, gossip, backbiting,
Revenge, retaliation, retribution, getting even, paybacks
Divorce, separation, tyranny
Doubt of the gospel, unbelief of the gospel, skepticism of the gospel, distrust of the gospel
Ignorance of the gospel, shame of the gospel, rejection of the gospel
Deceiving spirits, antichrist spirits
Hard heartedness, faithlessness
False doctrine, incomplete doctrine
False religion, false prophets
Spiritual stubbornness, spiritual laziness
Spiritual confusion
All spirits hindering the learning of the Word, all spirits hindering the sharing of the Word, all spirits hindering the relationship with the Holy Spirit/Jesus/God the Father
Fear/Spiritual Passiveness
All fears, fear of being judged, fear of committing fully to Jesus, fear of stepping out in faith, fear of looking foolish for the Lord, fear of rejection, fear of disapproval, fear of persecution, fear of condemnation, fear of accusation, fear of being challenged, fear of confrontation
Fear of the devil, fear of fallen angels, fear of demons, fear of worldly judgement
Fear of trials, fear of tribulation, fear of death
Fear of: other people, going outside, sex, eating, talking, driving, men, women, relationships, commitment, success, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, church, government, police, soldiers, illness/infirmity, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, end of times, curses, superstitions, numbers
All phobias, fear of snakes, fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of having no money, fear of divorce, claustrophobia
Cowardice, the focus of living the easiest life possible, mental/spiritual escaping/hiding
Anxiety, nervousness, nervous habits/tics, worry
Dread, apprehension, tension, burden
Hysteria, panic, paranoia
Ahab spirit, spiritual passiveness, spiritual timidness, spiritual laziness, spiritual fatigue/weariness
Shyness, going into one’s shell, separation, reclusiveness
Idolatry of/addiction to acid, psychedelic mushrooms, DMT
Idolatry of/addiction to cocaine, inhalants, methamphetamines, caffeine, coffee, tea, energy drinks, pop, nicotine, smoking, cigarettes, cigars, pipe, Adderall
Idolatry of/addiction to heroin, opiates, methadone, pain pills, marijuana, alcohol, beer, wine, liquor, sleeping pills
Idolatry of/addiction to hormone therapy, growth hormone, steroids
Idolatry of/addiction to sex, pornography, masturbation, perversions, fetishes
Idolatry of/addiction to gambling, video games, television, social media, sports, exercise, adrenalin, recklessness
Idolatry of/addiction to any other person, group, country, religion
Idolatry of/addiction to attention, worship, career, status, prestige, ego, possession, money
Idolatry of/addiction to fear, safety, security, comfort, life with no trials
Idolatry of science
Idolatry of approval
Infirmity, disease, sickness, malady, disability, physical abnormality
Death, premature death
Trauma, accident, injury
Covid 19 virus
Cancer, fear of cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, kidney cancer, endometrial cancer, leukemia, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, liver cancer
All spirits influencing the cardiovascular system, fear of cardiovascular disease/congestive heart failure/heart attack, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, enlarged heart, congestive heart failure, heart attack
Barrenness, miscarriage, birth defect, premature birth
Headache, arthritis, soreness, tenderness, pain, misery, discomfort, physical turmoil
Swelling, inflammation, acne, asthma
Physical tension, stiffness, immobility, limited range of motion of any body part
Fatigue, fibromyalgia, tiredness, weariness, lethargy, insomnia, sleep apnea, interrupted sleep
Surgery, anesthesia, all drugs, unconsciousness
Allergies, psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis
Vision problems, inability to see close up, inability to see far away, needing glasses, glaucoma, nystagmus, cataracts, cross-eyed, lazy eye
All seizures
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life
Materialism, self-indulgence, hedonism, evil appetite, evil passions
Greed, covetousness, mammon, desire for wealth/treasures/possessions, stinginess, possessiveness
Selfish-ambition, idolatry, desiring anything over obedience to Jesus
Love of money, love of luxury,
Get rich quick schemes, spirits causing delusional money making deals, financial recklessness
Gambling, addictions, compulsive shopping
Inability to save money, inability to budget money, fear of poverty
Thievery, robbery, trickery for gain, cheating, misrepresentation, fraud, willingness to do anything for money
Borrowing, buying on credit
Spirit of a miser, hoarding, inability to spend money
Jealousy, spirit of “keeping up with the Jones,’”
Seeking recognition, seeking power, seeking glory, seeking status, seeking control,
Spirit making us believe that “success” is determined by the amount of money or possession we have
Overeating, gluttony, cravings
Spirits preventing satisfaction, spirits preventing peace
Spirits making us believe we can love this world and love the Lord
Evil appetite for sex and all sexual things
Mind Influencing
Mind binding spirits
Fear of getting dementia or any other mind binding spirits, fear of becoming crazy
Confusion, mental chaos, mental scatteredness
Distracting spirits, inability to focus, attention deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, racey mind, disconnected thoughts, indecision
Anxiety, stress, mental turmoil, mental anguish, burden
Spirits hindering the ability to learn, hindering the ability to read, spirits hindering the ability to comprehend and understand
Lying spirits, familiar spirits, kundalini spirits
Mental illness, mental instability
Insanity, madness, mania, manicness, compulsiveness, distorted perception, hysteria
Retardation, down's syndrome
Paranoia, hallucination, suspicion, distrust, dread
Antagonism, defensiveness
Senility, dementia, forgetfulness, memory loss
Delusion, self-delusion, deception, self-deception
Gullibility, believer of lies, defenselessness, easy victim
Mind idolatry, intellectualism
Bipolar, schizophrenia, hearing words that aren’t said
Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease
Pride, arrogance, conceit, self-righteousness, self-importance, exaggerated self-worth, stoicism
Entitlement, entitled to hold a grudge, entitled to hold anger/rage/hatred, entitled to hold ought/unforgiveness/bitterness, entitled to hold any negative feelings, brooding
Spoiledness, pouting, tantrum
Vanity, ego, haughtiness
Plastic surgery, disliking appearance, disliking body, disliking race, disliking nationality
Being offended, over sensitivity
Self-will, self-focus, self-centeredness, narcissism
Perfection, criticalness, judging, prejudice, fault finding, demandingness
Mocking, belittling, ridiculing
Spirit unknowingly causing others to feel disrespected
Competition, self-driven, strive to out-do everyone else
Jezebel, Athaliah, Delilah (sexual control)
Control, domination, intimidation, manipulation
Witchcraft, rebellion
Anti-submissiveness, disobedience
Frigidity with spouse as control
Rejection, fear of rejection, rejection by God
Worthlessness, unwantedness, abandonment, fear of abandonment, being thrown away, being discarded, inadequacy, not belonging
Untrusting, keep people at a distance, self-protectiveness
Easily offended, defensiveness, easily embarrassed by discipline or correction, require greetings and acknowledgement by others
People pleasing, seek approval from others, always trying to prove oneself
Comparing ourselves with others, can’t measure up, failure,
Missed out on life’s opportunities, it’s too late to finish our life good, self-rejection, self-disgust, condemnation, guilt
Feeling of always being on the outside looking in when dealing with people
No one understands you, no one understands what you’re going through or had been through, victim’s mindset
Abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse
Lack of nurturing, lack of love, lack of concern, no advocacy
Insecurity, untrusting
Desire to flirt, seeking attention from the opposite sex, a draw to self-cenetered/lustful people
Divorce, fear of divorce, absence of a parent
Mental stress, mental tension, emotional stress, emotional tension
Sadness, sorrow, heartbreak, heartache, suffering, melancholy, the blues
Guilt, condemnation, shame, embarrassment,
Hopelessness, helplessness, the problem can’t be fixed, spirit of defeat,
Discouragement, despair, despondency, self-loathing, self-disgust, self-accusation, self-hate, self-condemnation, self-anger, self-harm, suicide
Depression, heaviness, gloom, loneliness, reclusiveness, isolation
Self-pity, uncertainty, low-self esteem, inferiority
Sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, spiritual abuse, verbal abuse
Rebellion, control over others, ingratitude
Inability to love, inability to recognize love, inability to show love, inability to give love, inability to receive love
All diseases rooted in rejection, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease
Sexual Sin/Perversion
Lust, fornication, sexual perversion, unclean spirits, lewdness
Homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, non-binary spirits, gender confusion, transgender spirits, queer spirits
Cross-dressing spirits, spirits that effeminate males, spirits that masculinize women
Evil gestures, evil talk, voyeurism, exposing oneself, sadism, fetishes
Pre-marital sex, adultery, unfaithfulness, pornography, fantasy, imagination, masturbation, sexual recklessness, promiscuisness
Covetousness, seduction, flirting outside of marriage, passion outside of marriage
Sex used for control, frigidity
Prostitution, harlotry, whoredom, gigolo spirit, pimp spirit
Sodomy, oral sex
Rape, forced sex
Pedophilia, sexual desire towards young people
Bestiality, sexual desire towards animals
Incest, sexual desire towards a relative
Incubus, succubus
Frigidity with spouse
Witchcraft/False Religions
Acupuncture, Reiki, some types of massages, some martial arts, yoga
Amulets (piece of jewelry worn for protection), occult jewelry or clothes, charms (rabbit’s foot)
Burning incense, crystals/crystal ball
Astrology (receiving information by studying the sun, moon, and stars), tea leaf readings, fortune telling, palm reading, mind reading, (telepathy), horoscope
Automatic writing, clairvoyance (seeing the unseeable), ESP
Curses, spells, evil eye, blood pacts, oaths, sorcery
Hypnosis, listening to voices, meditation, trances, summoning spirits, conjuring, seances, channeling, mediums, imaginary friends, necromancy, psychics, past life readings
Witchcraft, all forms of magic, occult spirits, shaman spirits, witch doctor spirits, water dowsing, magic 8 ball, astral projection, demonic tongues, levitation, tarot cards
Fantasy role playing games, games involving occult power, Harry Potter, Ouija board, Pokemon
Graven images, pictures/statues of night animals-especially frogs and owls, horror movies, occult books/literature, occult TV shows (most of them!), pornography, evil music
False religion, Islam, Mormonism, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witness
Hinduism, Hare Krishna, Rosicrucianism, Buddhism, reincarnation
Satanism, Paganism, Wicca
New Age, guardian spirits, Kabbalah
Christian Science, Scientology, Unitarian Universalist
Thelema, Greek gods, Egyptian gods, indian rituals, Spiritualism
Freemasons, Shriners
Praying to saints, praying to/worshipping Mother Mary
Voodoo, spirit worship, Santeria
Superstition, parapsychology
All drugs (illegal or prescribed)
Deliverance/exorcism by any means other than Jesus/Holy Spirit
Rebellion, stubbornness, undermining, insubordination, hard headedness