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The Old Testament is real clear about homosexuality.  


Leviticus 18:22

And you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is a perversion.  


Leviticus 20:13

And a man who lies with a male as one lies with a woman, both of them have done a disgusting thing, dying they shall die; their blood shall be on them.




In Genesis, God, who was with a couple angels, told Abraham that He intends to destroy the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Then the angels that were with God started towards Sodom.    


Genesis 18:20-22

And Jehovah said, The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is exceedingly heavy.  I will go down and see if they have at all done according to the cry coming to Me.  And if not, I will know.  And the men faced around from there and went toward Sodom...  


When the angels arrived in Sodom, Lot met them in the street.  The angels intended on spending the night in the street, but Lot urged them to come to his house to lodge.  They accepted his offer.  Lot fed the angels and treated them with respect.  Just before bedtime this happened…


Genesis 19:4-11

Before they had laid down, even the men of the city, the men of Sodom, circled the house; from the young to the aged, all the people from its limits.  And they called to Lot and said to him, Where are the men who came to you tonight?  Bring them out to us, that we may know them.  And Lot went out to them, to the door, and he closed the door behind him.  And he said, My brothers, please do not act evilly.  Behold, now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please let me bring them out to you and do to them as you see fit; only do not do a thing to these men, on account of this they came into the shade of my roof.  And they said, Stand back!  And they said, This one came in to visit, and judging must he judge:  Now we will do evil to you rather than to them.  And they pressed on the man, upon Lot exceedingly and drew near to break the door.  But the men put out their hands and brought Lot in to them, into the house, and shut the door.  And they struck the men at the door of the house with blindness, from the small to the great; and they struggled to find the door.  


The following morning the angels helped Lot and his family escape Sodom.  As soon as they were safe God rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying them.  




















In summary, it was established that Sodom and Gomorrah were exceedingly sinful.  Homosexuality was used to demonstrate this sinfulness.      




An Israelite from the tribe of Levi, along with his concubine, stopped in the town of Gibeah to spend the night.  They thought they would be safe because fellow Israelites from the tribe of Benjamin were the people in this town.  They were going to spend the night in the town square because no one would take them in.  An old man saw them and invited them to spend the night at his house.  Later that night…


Judges 20:22-23

They were making their hearts merry.  And, behold, men of the city, sons of worthless men, went around the house, beating on the door.  And they spoke to the old man, the master of the house, saying, Bring out the man who has come into your house, and we shall know him.  And the man, the master of the house went out to them and said to them, No, my brothers, please do not do evil, since this man has come into my house; do not do this grave sin.  


Instead, the men of the town took the concubine and raped her all night.  She died the next morning.  























Afterwards, all the other tribes of Israel heard what the terrible thing the tribe of Benjamin had done.  Under God’s direction, they went to war against the tribe of Benjamin.  Benjamin started the war with about 26,000 soldiers.  This is how the war ended for Benjamin...


Judges 20:46-48

And all the ones of Benjamin who fell were twenty five-thousand men drawing the sword on that day; all of these men of strength.  And six hundred men turned and fled into the wilderness, to the rock of Rimmon.  And they lived in the rock of Rimmon four months.  And the men of Israel turned back to the sons of Benjamin, and struck them by the mouth of the sword, from the entire city to livestock, to all that was found.  Also they set fire to all the cities which were found.  


The tribe of Benjamin was part of Israel, God’s own people.  Even so, because of what started with the sin of homosexuality, God allowed Benjamin to be decimated.


They say homosexuality is now more accepted by society so it shouldn’t be considered a sin anymore.  This notion is addressed…


Malachi 3:6

For I, Jehovah, change not…




Homosexuality is against God’s’s sin.


1 Timothy 1:8-11

And we know that the Law is a good thing, if anyone uses it lawfully, knowing this, that Law is not laid down for a righteous one, but for lawless ones and insubordinate ones, for ungodly ones and sinful ones, for unholy ones and profane ones, for slayers of fathers and slayers of mothers, for murderers, for fornicators, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and if any other thing is opposed to sound doctrine, according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I was entrusted.  


Practicing homosexuality is enough to keep someone from going to heaven.


1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Or do you not know that unjust ones will not inherit the kingdom of God?  Do not be led astray, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor boy-abusers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous ones, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor rapacious ones shall inherit the kingdom of God


Not only are those practicing homosexuality worthy of death, but so are the people who support it.


Romans 1:24-27,32

Therefore, God gave them over to impurity in the lusts of their hearts, their bodies to be dishonored among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God into the lie, and worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.  Amen.  Because of this, God gave them over to dishonorable passions, for even their females changed the natural use to the use contrary to nature.  And likewise, the males also forsaking the natural use of the female burned in their lust toward one another, males with males working out shamefulness, and receiving back within themselves the recompense which is right for their straying away...who having known the ordinance of God, that the ones practicing such things are worthy of death, not only do them, but also approve the ones practicing them 


Fornication refers to any sin that is of a sexual nature.  Society, even many churches, openly support homosexuality.  The church is supposed to put God’s Word over current culture.  The church is not to tolerate fornication.  If a practicing homosexual doesn’t repent, he’s to be kicked out of the church and turned over to Satan.  


1 Corinthians 5

Everywhere it is heard that fornication is among you, and such fornication which is not named among the nations, so as for someone to have his father’s wife.  And you are being puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that did this deed might be taken from your midst.  For as being absent in body, but being present in spirit, I have already judged the one who has perpetrated this deed, as being present.  In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, you being assembled with my spirit also, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give over such a one to Satan for destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.  Your boast is not good.  Do you not know that a little leaven leavens all the lump?  Therefore clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, even as you are unleavened.  For also Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.  So then let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with leaven of malice and wickedness, but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.  I wrote to you in the letter not to associate with fornicators; and not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous one, or with rapacious ones, or with idolaters, since then you must go out of the world.  But now I wrote to you not to associate intimately; if anyone being named a brother and is either a fornicator, or a covetous one, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a rapacious one, with such one not to eat.  For what is it to me also to judge the ones outside?  Do you not judge those inside?  But God will judge the ones outside.  “And take away from yourselves the wicked one.”


Kicking a non-repentant homosexual out of the church may seem harsh, but without repentance we are hellbound.  God uses the suffering caused by Satan and his demons to lead us to repentance.  Being led by the Holy Spirit and sensing His conviction sure seems like an easier path to repentance, doesn’t it?    




The Unitarian Universalist Church openly supports homosexuality.  Don’t think by any means that this is a Christian church.  The following is from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s website...  






















           UUs march in the 2011 Pride Parade in Washington, DC

Each of us has worth and dignity, and that worth includes our gender and our sexuality. As Unitarian Universalists (UUs), we not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, we value diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift. We create inclusive religious communities and work for LGBTQ justice and equity as a core part of who we are. All of who you are is sacred. All of who you are is welcome.


The pope said he supports civil unions.  This is an article from the Washington Post...  























 Pope Francis visits the Saint Louis Hospital on Nov. 21, 2019, 

in Bangkok, Thailand. (Lauren DeCicca/Getty Images)

By Ryan P. Burge

Oct. 23, 2020 at 7:45 a.m. EDT

In a surprising announcement, Pope Francis told a documentary filmmaker that same-sex couples should “legally covered” by civil union laws. The Pope’s response suggests a softening of the Vatican’s views of the issue, which for centuries has contended that homosexuality constitutes sinful behavior and that gay marriages would not be allowed in the Catholic church or recognized by the church as a familial relationship.


Know this...if/when homosexuality becomes a civil right, it will allow legal persecution of Christians who stand their ground on the matter.    




At one point in time the earth had become so exceedingly evil that God made a great flood that killed everyone on earth except Noah and his family.  Afterwards, God made the following covenant with Noah and everyone who would live after Noah.


Genesis 9:12-15

And God said, This is the sign of the covenant which I am about to make between Me and you, and between every living soul which is with you, for everlasting generations: I have set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.  And it will be when I gather the clouds on the earth, then the bow shall be seen in the clouds.  And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you, and between every living soul in all flesh.  And the waters shall not again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 





















Something has changed with what the rainbow means in American culture.  It is no longer a symbol of the covenant between God and man.  Nope!  Starting in San Francisco, and now world wide, the rainbow has become a symbol of gay pride.  A symbol of support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. 


In 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states can’t ban gay marriages.  As a result, there are now gay marriages throughout America.  Barack Obama was the president at the time.  Here is what he tweeted…”This ruling is a victory for America.”-@POTUS #LoveWins.  Below is a picture of the white house after the ruling.  


























With this open support of homosexuality from the top level of our government should we be happy for the gay community or should we be very, very concerned for our country?  Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the story of the Levite and the concubine?  These particular towns were full of evil.  What was the barometer that God used to show this evilness?  Yup, homosexuality...right before He destroyed them!


The United States of America was founded on Christianity.  It grew into the most prosperous and powerful country the world has ever seen.  While no other country was able to take the United States by force, there is a different danger lurking for Americans.  It’s a slow rot from the inside.  The Book of Judges is a repeated story of God’s chosen people prospering and following His will.  They eventually drift away from His will and suffer the severe consequences.  They eventually repent and come running back to God.  God accepts them back and they prosper once again.  The Book of Judges demonstrates the slow rot currently occurring in the United States.  This rot is the drifting away from God’s will.  All the internal American feuding and stresses aren’t rooted in political beliefs or social injustices.  It’s rooted in doing His will or not doing His will.  The devil has been working hard for a long time to destroy this country, Christianity, the family, and anything else that will do God’s will.  We need to pull our minds out of this carnal world and stop looking through worldly eyes.  We need to make the Word/Jesus our top priority and start looking at the world through spiritual eyes.  We need to realize fallen angels and demons have a huge influence over things such as television, the media, social media, politicians, world leaders, etc.  Ephesians 6:12 sums it up. 


Ephesians 6:12

...our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly realms.  




The attraction to the same sex can be real.  It isn’t always just a choice.  Also, it may be that some people are born gay because they seemed to have acted gay ever since early childhood.  They chalk it up as maybe a chemical imbalance in the brain or some weird twist from nature.  Maybe they think that although it’s different from mainstream society, it’s still completely normal.  Sometimes desiring the same sex occurs after a trauma or rejection from the opposite sex.      


Gay people may hide their homosexuality.  They’ll deny and fight its existence and live what’s considered a typical straight person’s life.  These people suffer.  Maybe they live a homosexual lifestyle, yet keep it on the down-low.  This is the typical case in which most people assume they are gay, but it isn’t really discussed.  These people suffer too.  Maybe the gay person “comes out.”  They embrace their gayness and is open about it.  This person suffers too.  All the suffering is real.    


The attraction to the same sex is rarely going to be counseled out of someone.  Reason and logic won’t remove it.  Biblical knowledge, knowing that homosexuality is a sin, will rarely remove it.  Even if they KNOW that practicing homosexuality is a sin, they don’t know what to do about it.  They feel unfairly trapped in their desires.  They suffer their entire lives.  Maybe they become reprobate and “come out” as a proud gay and embrace their lifestyle.  Maybe they just end their lives.


Know this...THERE IS A SOLUTION    




The attraction to the same sex is against God’s Word; therefore, we know it’s not from God.  A constant urge to go against God’s Word is an obvious sign of demonic influence.  Demons are causing the attraction to the same sex.  They need to be cast out...the solution is deliverance.    


Demons can enter a child in the womb.  There can be many reasons for this including an unwanted pregnancy, a generational curse, a sin committed by a parent, trauma, etc.  If this happens, a baby may be born with the demon of homosexuality.  They can be seen in early childhood as having the tendencies of the opposite sex.  Looking through worldly eyes it would be correct to say that this person was born gay.  Looking through spiritual eyes it is a case of being born with a demon.  The real person, the soul, isn’t gay.  There is simply another spirit in the body convincing the soul that it is gay.   


Someone can pick up a homosexual demon later in life too.  Regardless of when the demon entered, it can always be kicked out.  The problem is very few people live as though Ephesians 6:12 is true.  Ephesians 6:12 says we fight against the demons influencing people, not the people themselves.  Even fewer believe in deliverance (casting out demons) even though the great commission tells us to do it.  Deliverance is the big gun of spiritual warfare and the key to defeating homosexuality.     


Jesus is with God the Father.  The Holy Spirit is in Christians and does what Jesus wants Him to do.  Jesus DOES want the Holy Spirit to deliver us from demons if we repent of those sins.  The Holy Spirit is the One who actually does the work of forcing the demons out.  


Another job of the Holy Spirit is giving us conviction.  Conviction means a feeling that something is wrong (sinful).  We all sin, but we are still under grace if we repent for committing the sin.  What’s unusual with homosexuality is that people who are openly gay often refuse to repent, especially if they are in a committed homosexual relationship.  They are more loyal to their partner than God.  They had to build much courage over a long time to “come out” as gay.  They instilled in themselves that it is OK to be gay.  Their conscience about it is clear.  There is no Holy Spirit conviction.  When this happens, they are in danger of going reprobate (going to hell is certain).   


If one doesn’t repent they can’t get the demons out.  Deliverance is only successful when it follows heart-felt repentance.  



  1. Realize that practicing homosexuality is a sin.  Having a homosexual urge is not a sin.  Be careful to stop fantasies quickly.

  2. Repent for the sins that may have opened the door to allow the homosexual and fornication demons to get in.   

  3. Repent for any generational curses of homosexuality and fornication.

  4. If you ever practiced or fantasized about homosexuality or fornication, repent for it.  This must be from the heart.  You must put your loyalty to God over your partner.

  5. Cast the demons out.

  6. Be vigilant.  For the rest of your life keep researching the bible, maintaining continuous deliverance, and always allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you.  Become a disciple and obey the great commission, which includes helping others by casting out THEIR demons!

Sodom And Gomorrah Depiction
Levite’s Concubine
Unitarian Universalists
 The Pope
Rainbow Over Noah, His Family & The Animals
The White House In Rainbow Colors
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