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Part 1- The fruit of the Spirit

     Before we became a Christian, we were led by our own soul (mind, will, emotions).  Our own thoughts, our own desires, and our own feelings controlled us.  The demons had a field day with us.  They controlled much of our lives because most of their control comes through our thoughts, desires, and feelings.  We had no idea the amount of control they had over us.

     When we started to be obedient to the Word/Jesus, we received an amazing gift from God - the Holy Spirit.  This is when most people consider themselves a Christian.  All the great things of the gospel that makes it the “good news” is made possible through the workings of the Holy Spirit.  This is because the Holy Spirit carries out Jesus’ will here on earth.  The Holy Spirit is a gift that we can greatly utilize or neglect.  Most Christians don’t understand how to utilize the Holy Spirit like Jesus wants us to.  This is primarily because few Christians walk out the “full gospel.”  The full gospel includes casting out demons, healing the sick, etc.  This is spiritual training.  We learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit by doing such things.  As we develop a closer bond with the Holy Spirit, He’ll reveal more of Himself to us.  He’ll give us spiritual power, knowledge, and guidance.

     The Holy Spirit is the conduit that connects us with Jesus.  As we evolve into disciples, we walk closer and closer with the Holy Spirit, thus Jesus.  As we do, the Holy Spirit blankets us with certain gifts.  They are called the fruit of the Spirit.  They are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control.     


Part 2 - The starting point

     Our soul is made up of our mind/thoughts, will/desires, and emotions/feelings.  At any particular time we are either being led by our soul or we are being led by the Holy Spirit.  

     When being led by our soul we won’t be thinking about spiritual things, which means we won’t be thinking about demons.  We’ll be looking through worldly eyes.  Demons like to insert thoughts, urges, and feelings into us.  These things are like a worm on a hook.  If we bite, they’ll hook us!

     A top priority of disciples is not to bite on the soulish bait.  To make sure we don’t bite we need to be led by the Holy Spirit.  This will allow us to walk through the day looking through spiritual eyes.  As we do we will always be aware of demons and how they try to influence us.  This is the starting point of supernatural self-control.              


Part 3 - The “how to”

     As disciples, we put ourselves through continuous deliverance.  We kick out the demons because they prevent us from being led by the Holy Spirit.  As the demons leave, we want to prevent them from coming back.  Maintaining our freedom from demons is primarily done through not biting on their bait!  

     Here are several scenarios to show how this is done…


Self-control over offense/anger 

     A disciple has a son who isn’t at a mental level as most kids his age.  The son isn’t diagnosed with any particular mental issue, he just isn’t as book smart as most of his peers. 

     While speaking with another parent, that parent asks the disciple what their son suffers from (insinuating a medical or mental disorder).  The disciple has a flash of rage, but immediately realizes this is demonic bait.  The disciple doesn’t rage or become sarcastic towards the other parent.  The disciple simply tells the other parent that what they said was unthoughtful and walks away.  The disciple then verbally confronts the lurking demons who are trying to get entry by saying, “I’m speaking to you spirits of anger, rage, hatred, ought, unforgiveness, bitterness, taking an offense, revenge, resentment, animosity, grudge holding, brooding, and entitlement to hold a grudge/anger/unforgiveness/bitterness.  In the name of Jesus get away from me.  I want nothing to do with you.  Leave now.”  Within moments the disciple notices the demonic pressure leaves.  The disciple carries on their day in peace.         


Self-control over rejection/hurt feelings

     A married couple is approaching their anniversary.  Their last year had been a little bumpy, but that wasn’t a big deal to the wife.  She was looking forward to doing something a little special with her husband for their anniversary.  She asks her husband what he would like to do on their special day.  He says he didn’t really feel like doing anything because he couldn’t see why they would want to celebrate their marriage.  

     The wife is immediately struck with sadness and rejection.  Luckily, she’s a disciple and she recognizes things for what they are.  She knows her husband isn’t a disciple; therefore, he’s ignorant of the demons that are controlling him.  She quickly finds a quiet place and prays.  She says, “I’m speaking to you spirits of rejection, hurt, sadness, loneliness, turmoil, depression, disappointment, and self pity.  I want nothing to do with you.  In Jesus’ name leave now.”  She can soon feel the demonic pressure leave.      

     She’s aware of her husband’s pride and his feeling of entitlement to hold anger, unforgiveness, and bitterness.  She’s determined to continue looking through spiritual eyes.  She continues her day with it not being as joyful as it could have been, but still walking closely with the Holy Spirit so in peace nonetheless.  It dawns on her that the demons actually pushed her closer to the Holy Spirit and she smiles to herself. 


Self-control over pornography

     Lucas used to look at pornography, but since then has gotten the demons of lust, fornication, adultery, perversion, pornography, and masturbation casted out.  Since then he no longer has continuous urges pulling him towards pornography.  On occasion though, especially right before bed, Lucas will get an urge to get on-line to look at it.    

     Lucas is a disciple and walks through his day looking through spiritual eyes.  As he gets this urge he recognizes what’s going on.  He sees the bait dangling in front of him and quickly stops any imaginations or fantasies.  He says, “I’m speaking to you spirits of imagination, fantasy, lust, fornication, pornography and masturbation.  I want nothing to do with you.  Leave now.”  Within a few minutes all the urges are gone and he goes to sleep in peace.  


Self-control over time-wasting/distractions

     Susan grew up seeing her parents watch a lot of TV.  It was their routine to watch TV from after dinner until bedtime most evenings.  Susan never thought twice about it and now as an adult has developed the same habit.  

     Recently Susan has evolved from a Christian to a disciple.  Now that the scales have fallen off her eyes, she sees the extent that demons influence this world.  She sees how demons sneakily work themselves into people’s lives.  

     As Susan turns on the TV one night after dinner, she suddenly feels shame for watching the amount of TV she does.  She realizes she is wasting the precious time she has been given in this world.  She looks at the TV with a feeling she has never had for it before...disgust.  She realizes what she is feeling is the Holy Spirit’s conviction.  It dawns on her that as a Christian, she was ignorant of time wasting and distracting spirits.  The Holy Spirit just gave her revelation of such spirits.      

     Soon afterwards, Susan went through deliverance.  Spirits of idolatry, idolatry of TV, idolatry of movies, idolatry of social media, time wasting, time stealing, entertainment, procrastination, distractions, busyness, spiritual ignorance and unholy priorities were cast out.  Since then she lost the urge to watch TV after dinner.  She doesn’t feel like she needs TV to mentally shut-off or to relax.  

     Now occasionally Susan will get a feeling that she needs to watch TV after dinner.  She’ll get a feeling that she worked so hard that she’s entitled to “veg out” in front of the TV.  Being a disciple, she sees the demonic bait hanging in front of her.  She responds by verbally telling those same spirits that had been casted out that she wants nothing to do with them.  In Jesus’ name she commands them to leave her.  Within moments the pressure to watch TV leaves.  Through this supernatural self-control her life has become much richer.  She spends more time with her family and friends now.  Her ability to love and receive love has improved.  She gets more projects done.  She gets more spiritual research done so she can make new disciples.  She realizes she is much happier.  

     Susan’s amazed by the revelations that the Holy Spirit has been giving her.  She sees how most of the day she was indeed looking through spiritual eyes and walking closely with the Holy Spirit.  But after dinner the demons would pressure her to switch to worldly eyes and start watching TV.  TV is primarily demonic programming and as a mere Christian Susan was oblivious to this.  Oh, how things have changed...  She now cringes at the thought of allowing her children to watch all demonic programming like she once had.  She silently thanks God for His revelations.               


Ephesians 5:15-17

Then watch how carefully you walk, not as unwise ones, but as wise ones, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  For this reason, do not become foolish, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.


Part 4 - Always remember this! 

     Biting on the demonic bait is a result of us feeling like we have lost control of the situationWe always have control!  Take emotion out of the response process and make the response a more objective, tactical decision.  Make all responses according to how we think the Lord wants us to respond.  We can’t know what He wants if we are blinded with emotion.  Remember, emotions are one of the demons’ biggest weapons he uses against us.

     This objective response process is generally easier for guys because they are a little less emotional than women.  This allows men to resist demons better.  It may be because women are more emotional that it is said women are a weaker vessel than men.  It isn’t just regarding our physical strength.    


1 Peter 3:7

Likewise, husbands, dwelling together according to knowledge, as with a weaker vessel, the feminine one, bestowing honor, as truly being co-heirs of the grace of life, not cutting off your prayers.


     This knowledge comes with responsibility.  Husbands, we are expected to not get caught up in emotions.  We are to stay objective and make decisions not based on soulish influence.  This is partly why we have been given authority over our wives.    



Part 5 - Our progress report

     Self-control is our spiritual progress report.  If we are losing our temper, feeling fear and anxiety, walking around holding a grudge, or getting a repeated sinful urge, we can be sure we still have plenty of spiritual maturing to do.  A mature disciple can also get angry, scared, hurt feelings, and an occasional sinful urge.  The difference is a disciple realizes this can be an opening for demons so the disciple quickly counter-attacks.  A common counter-attack is to reject the feelings/urge and command them to leave in Jesus’ name.   

     As a disciple makes this response a habit, it gets easier and easier to do.  It’ll allow the disciple to maintain a continuous walk with the Holy Spirit.  This is when the Holy Spirit can REALLY reveal His power and enforce Jesus’ will in this world...through us!   

     The amount of self-control we have reveals our spiritual maturity.  Maturity includes knowledge of demons, how they operate, and how to fight them.  As we continue to remove the demonic infestation in us, we must learn to take every thought captive to prevent getting re-infested.  

     If we do sin and fall to demonic influence, we quickly pick ourselves up and get back on the narrow path of obedience.  We may have to cast out some demons to take back the ground we lost.  

     Being a good soldier for Him, we will avenge Him by using the power He has given us to crush the demons who had overwhelmed us and once again enforce His will!   


2 Corinthians 10:3-6

For walking about in flesh, we do not war according to flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly ones, but powerful ones to God to the demolition of strongholds, demolishing reasonings and every high thing lifting up itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ, and having readiness to avenge all disobedience, whenever your obedience is fulfilled.


Part 6 - Be vigilant for good reason

     For disciples, spiritual vigilance is mandatory.  If we fail to stay vigilant we may backslide.  Imagine the glory demons receive when they are able to take out a disciple.  As disciples, we routinely exercise our superior power over demons.  This puts us on the demons’ hit-list.  We are marked people.  Demons are always looking for an opening, a crack in our armor, for the ability to influence us.  Being aware of this is half the battle! 

     If Christians get demons casted out, but then let them back in, they would be better off if they were to never have casted the demons out in the first place. 


Matthew 12:43-45

But when the unclean spirit goes from a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest and does not find it.  Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came out.  And coming, he finds it standing empty, swept and decorated.  Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and entering dwells there.  And the last things of that man become worse than the first.  So it will be also to this evil generation.  


     If we are looking through spiritual eyes and being led by the Holy Spirit, our house will be filled with Him.  If we are looking through worldly eyes and being influenced by the world, our house will be empty.    


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