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Soul Wounds



     Throughout our lives things happen to us that hurt.  It could be a sexual assault by a parent, severe words from a friend, a traumatizing injury, etc.  Anything that hurts so bad that the hurt penetrates down to our soul can cause a soul wound.  It's as though our soul received a deep cut. 

     This soul wound attracts demons and allows them to stay in us.  This is why and how...  When someone hurts us badly, some common worldly reactions are anger, animosity, unforgiveness, bitterness, self-pity, reclusiveness, fear, etc.  With the help of the spirit of pride, we feel as though we are entitled to hold onto such feelings.  The willingness to hold onto these feelings opens the door for those demons to enter.  Once they are in us, they'll greatly magnify those feelings and drive us to ruin.    

     Someone who grows up receiving many soul wounds may develop some real problems.  They get so infested with various demons that the demons rule much of their lives.  Some of the more common problems are issues with anger, rage, hatred, temper, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, animosity, impulsiveness, mental instability, and various infirmities caused by these demons



     As time moves on we usually try to push that soul wound aside.  Maybe we don't deal with that person anymore who caused the soul wound so we figure it will maybe heal on its own.  We hope that time heals it.  Maybe we don't think about that soul wound much anymore or maybe we don't even consciously remember it.  The problem is that the wound is still there.  Not only that, but the demons are still there too!  Soul wounds can't be counseled out.  They can't be wished away.  Time doesn't make them go away.  They will always be there if we try to heal them through our own ability.

     Only the Holy Spirit can heal a soul wound.  The Holy Spirit carries out Jesus' will here on earth.  No matter how deep the cut is into our soul, the Holy Spirit can heal it.  This requires a submission to Him that will allow Him to move.  Let's use an example.  Let's say a boy grows up with a mean, abusive, and neglectful father.  Every time the boy is abused, he feels more hurt, anger, and rage, but he is just too small to be able to do anything about it.  He grows up receiving soul wound after soul wound.  By the time he's in high school, there's an underlying current of anger and rage in his life.  He's very quick to lose his temper and jump into a rage.  As an adult, he experiences infirmities such as high blood pressure and arthritis.  He goes through life without knowing the source of the anger, rage, and infirmities.  Until one day...  the man hears the testimony of a friend who said he has found peace by allowing the Holy Spirit to move through him.  The man eventually finds a church who walks out the full gospel.  He puts himself through frequent deliverance.  The man learned that while it is true that what his father did to him was wrong, he wasn't entitled to hold onto the negative feelings from it.  He learned that his willingness to hold onto these feelings gives those demons legal rights to stay in him.  Every deliverance session he would repent for more of the negative feelings.  Once he repented, the Holy Spirit would remove another layer of demons.  The deliverance minister and the man would then ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit into the man to heal those wounds.  The man continued this until he was finally set totally free.  In the end he was able to get those soul wounds completely healed.  He was set free of the demons and was able to completely forgive his father.



     Imagine growing up in a very abusive home.  Imagine the many soul wounds one could receive.  These wounds attract demons like rotting flesh attracts flies.  These demons open the door for more demons.  On top of this, imagine the soul wounds the boy receives in school by rejection by peers.  This allows in more demons.  Then when the boy tries to escape through drugs and alcohol, he lets in many more demons.  It can be seen how demons are like a snowball rolling down a hill.  Demons attract more demons.  Pretty soon there's a very heavy infestation of demons.  Without aggressive, continual deliverance, the man will live a miserable life and probably die and go to hell. 

     Luke 8:26-31 says "Then they sailed to the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee.  And when He stepped out on the land, there met Him a certain man from the city who had demons for a long time. And he wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house but in the tombs.  When he saw Jesus, he cried out, fell down before Him, and with a loud voice said, “What have I to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me!”  For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had often seized him, and he was kept under guard, bound with chains and shackles; and he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness.  Jesus asked him, saying, “What is your name?”  And he said, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him.  And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss."  Ever wonder how the man with Legion in him got that way.  Now that soul wounds are understood, it can be seen how a great number of demons can get into someone to allow Legion to enter.  



     Revenge belongs to the Lord.  As we evolve into a disciple we become very conscientious about quickly releasing to the Lord any negative, sinful feelings.  It may seem impossible to forgive someone for something terrible they've done.  By our own abilities alone, this is true.  But with the faith of knowing God can fix anything, we lay our hurts and bitterness at His feet. 

     We know that holding anger, rage, unforgiveness, bitterness, and self-pity is sin.  We come against pride and humble ourselves.  We lose the notion that we are justified holding onto such feelings.  We release them to the Lord and REPENT for holding onto them.  Now we can cast out the demons.  We then ask the Lord to have the Holy Spirit heal any soul wounds we may have received.  Repentance, casting out the demons, and healing the soul wounds should be a continual part of our lives.  A full gospel church should strive to make this process a normal part of a Christian's life.  



     When digging for the root of a spiritual problem, a good place to start is looking for a traumatic experience of some sort prior to the sinful issue starting or the sickness developing.  A disciple will realize that this trauma may have led to a soul wound that may be the very source of the demonic infestation or sickness.      

     Thinking back to that time when the wound was made, we must see how it made us feel at that time.  Even if we don't think about that incident much anymore, the wound may still be there.  We must stare that wound and the demons associated with it in the face with the confidence of God being with us.  God wants us to be free from demonic influence and soul wounds.  Therefore, like a good soldier, we must use the power and authority He's given us to enforce His will.          

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