The Battle: The World or the Word
I have a friend who says he’s a Christian. He’s likable and gets along with most everyone. He often talks about his church. He’s very much into its politics and culture.
One time I brought up The Training Ground to him. I said we believe the bible is literally true. We discussed some trendy topics such as homosexuality. He said the bible should be interpreted to mesh with more modern ideologies. I was shocked. I told him that the bible is pretty clear about such things. He said he knows several homosexuals and he doesn’t hate them. I told him I don’t hate them either, but I do hate homosexuality itself.
I pressed into him even more. I told him how we routinely cast out demons and he thought I was nuts. Our conversation continued like this until finally he said, “You folks are a Jim Jones.” It was hard to believe what I had just heard. Here’s a guy who claims to be a Christian, but calls someone who tries to be obedient to God’s Word a cultist.
Months later homosexuality was brought up again among several of us sitting around. My same friend was in this group. My friend said with the way society is and with the homosexuals he personally knows, he has come to the conclusion that homosexuality is each their own. I asked him how he can feel this way when the bible says otherwise. He said he knows the bible says we are to love each other, but wasn’t aware that it says anything specifically against homosexuality. Once again, I was shocked. I realized his attitude towards homosexuality was built on the beliefs of the world rather than the Word. I read Romans 1:26-32 to him. He acted like he never heard it before. I realized he had no idea what the bible said about the matter! I’m assuming he probably doesn’t really know what the bible says about many of the other current hot topics either. I thought to myself ‘what the heck kind of church does he go to?’
Being a cop I’ve been accused by my family of being too black and white on occasion. Well, when it comes to being a disciple I absolutely claim my black and whiteness!
The World Verses The Holy Spirit
The devil is the ruler of this world (John 14:30). The world includes society, culture, the media, TV, movies, music, personal feelings, personal thoughts, personal desires, etc. The world includes everything outside of the Word. The world tries to trick us into following it by giving us mostly truth, but twisting it in a subtle way. If we put no effort into obeying the Word, the world WILL rule us by default.
When we try to be obedient to God’s Word, Jesus recognizes us as loving Him. He’ll then ask His Father to give us the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-21). The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He patiently waits for us to seek Him for guidance. This doesn’t just happen, it takes effort on our part. When we seek His guidance, He’ll start leading us.
Once we have the Holy Spirit we have a big choice to make. Are we going to be led by this world (the devil and his army) or the Holy Spirit (God)? This choice is the purpose of this article. Remember, the world and the Holy Spirit are at odds (Galatians 5:17). We cannot be a friend of this world while at the same time being a friend of God (James 4:4). We must choose one or the other. We become a slave to whom we obey (Romans 6:16).
To remember scripture when we need it requires us to be led by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). The world seeks to hinder our memory. To learn deeper spiritual truths requires us to be led by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). The world wants us to stay spiritually shallow. Our very salvation requires us to be led by the Holy Spirit! (Galatians 5:18). The world wants us to end up in hell!
Our ways are not God’s ways (Isaiah 55:8). Our ways are not righteous (Romans 3:10). Knowing this, Christians MUST base their beliefs and actions on the Word, not their own beliefs. If we base what’s righteous on our own beliefs, this is self-righteousness. The Holy Spirit teaches us the Word and reminds us of the Word. When we get off track He gives us conviction, that yucky feeling, to help get us back on track. These are some of the ways He leads us.
Deliverance is the casting out of demons. Deliverance is something every disciple should be doing! (Mark 16:17). Sometimes it looks like there is no way to overcome a sinful behavior. This is usually due to not knowing casting out demons is an option. We can end up in hell if we remain spiritually ignorant (Hosea 4:6). The devil and his demons come only to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).
Summing It Up
Choose...the devil/demons/world or the Word/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t say you’re a Christian and then let the world lead you. Is your family, friends, co-workers going to say you’re weird? So what. Are you going to be persecuted because the world hates you? You can bet on it. Does your pastor shun you because you are casting out demons and healing the sick? Don’t worry about it, he’ll be answering to God for it. Are you more interested in fitting in with this fallen world or becoming a member of God’s family? Remember, you can’t do both.
Are you being led by the world or the Word? Who are you a slave to? Look at the graph below and see where you stand.
World - Good Word - Bad
World - Good Word - Bad
Wife as head of household
World - Good Word - Bad
Receiving money while not working
World - Good Word - Bad
Getting caught up in the cares of this world
World - Good Word - Bad
Entitled to hold a grudge or self-pity
World - Good Word - Bad
Focused on fulfilling own desires
World - Good Word - Bad
Focused on fulfilling God’s desires
World - Bad Word - Good
Casting out demons
World - Bad Word - Good
Miraculous healings from God
World - Bad Word - Good