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The Malevolent Puppeteer



     Many Christians, especially disciples, believe the devil is quickly tightening his grip on this world.  He’s taking control at break-neck speed.  He’s desperate and moving fast.  They believe the birth pangs of the end times are starting... 

     In the last days, the “beast” will have authority over “every tribe, tongue, and nation.”  ...and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"  And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.  Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.  It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.  And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nationAll who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life... (Revelation 13:4-8)(NKJV).  In order to accomplish this, the beast will probably have to have government authority over the world.  This is why “globalism,” “one world government,” and “new world order” are suspicious terms to a disciple.  



     It is certain the beast will rule the world for three and a half years.  As great as America is, it was doomed from the beginning.  As great as America’s Constitution is, it simply can’t hold up against the schemes of the devil.  We are quickly falling away from Jesus’ favor.  We are being ruled more and more by our own desires rather than His desires.  This always leads to a downfall of a nation, regardless of how great the nation is.  Paying attention to the course of nations in the Book of Judges can help us understand this.  There is no government that can stand up to the devil’s brilliance.  At least until our King, Jesus, comes back to rule.  Only when we are living under His Kingship will we be able to live in the peace and joy of a perfect government.     

     The United States of America leads the world in so many things, among them Christianity and a constitution limiting the government’s control over its people.  These are two qualities that hinder the beast’s plan to rule the world.  How can the beast rule the world if America is standing in his way?  The devil will start by removing its Christian-minded foundation and establishing godless laws.  While this is being done, the devil will give the government more power over the people.  This will help enforce those godless laws and later to allow the beast to have more control over us.   



     How is the devil going to de-Christianize America and give the government more power?  Being such a rich and powerful nation, will we be overcome by force?  Probably not.  Knowing the devil, maybe he’ll try to do it in a more subtle way.  How about by internal rot?  A rot caused by godlessness.  A rotting godlessness that makes Jesus take a step back from America, leaving us vulnerable to the devil.  This is more likely.  

     Well...people are slowly realizing it’s happening right now, before our very eyes.  It’s like a science fiction novel that’s turning into real life.  






























     Even if our Constitution said we are to live strictly according to the bible, we would still be feuding internally.  This is because people like to put their own desires and objectives first and then try to find scripture to support those objectives.  This is self-centered thinking, not God-centered thinking.  Along with the rest of us, could politicians be a little self-centered at times...maybe??  

     The root cause of this godless rot is the fact that the church didn’t and still doesn’t teach the full gospel.  This fact has caused a slow spiritual rot from within most of us.  The stench from this rot is becoming stronger due to the godless laws that are being enacted at break-neck speed.  

     The full gospel means each Christian should strive to become a disciple of Jesus and then to make more disciples.  Disciples not only spread the Word, but they also walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to prove the Word is true.  This power is demonstrated by casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc.  By doing such things, disciples learn about the demonic world.  They know the tactics of demons.   ...lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11)(NKJV).  Disciples fearlessly use the spiritual power they have to put demons in their place and to enforce God’s will here on earth.  Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19)(NKJV).  

     In general, the American church makes Christians, not disciples!  This is disobedient to Jesus’ great commission for us.  As a result, America has a bunch of Christians who don’t have any power to prove the Word is true.  American Christians have a form of Godliness, but they refuse to walk in power.  But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! (2 Timothy 3:1-5)(NKJV).  

     When Christians don’t strive to become disciples, when churches don’t strive to make disciples, when Christians refuse to walk in power, demons of doubt and unbelief are unleashed.  Because the Word isn’t proven true through demonstrations of power, Christians don’t necessarily believe the Word is 100% true.  Therefore, they don’t fully trust and rely on the Word.  What’s the result?  Covid-19 becomes scary because we are ignorant of our power and authority over such things.  Abortion becomes OK because “women’s rights over their own body” becomes more important than the Word.  The LGBTQ agenda is OK because we don’t want to be persecuted for standing up against it.  In families, wives rule over husbands because the Ahab spirit in men makes them tolerate the Jezebel spirit in women.  Americans get offended and angry at the drop of a hat because they have no understanding of demonic bait and other tactics of demons.  Americans are absolutely clueless when it comes to spiritual warfare and the tactics of demons.  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children (Hosea 4:6)(NKJV).  

     When Christians go through trials they feel helpless because they are ignorant of the power they possess.  During trials, the spirits of doubt and unbelief go to work and impose themselves on their hosts.  These weak, powerless Christians then fall to the schemes of the devil.  They are played like puppets by the great puppeteer of this world...and they don’t even know it!  This leads to the breakdown of individuals, families, neighborhoods, cities, states, and countries.  This spiritual rot will spread throughout the world until the world is desperate.  Then, instead of repenting and asking for God’s forgiveness, the world will look to the beast...      

     Godless politics might speed the rotting process, but it is only a symptom of the rot.  The rot is rooted in the spiritual realm.  What’s happening in the physical world is simply the manifestation of what’s happening in the spiritual world.  



      How can we fight back against the devil’s army if we don’t know who our enemy is or how our enemy operates?  Every disciple must know that our enemy isn’t a political party, an organization, a group of people, or a person.  Nope, our enemy is the world’s malevolent puppeteer, the devil.  He’s taking over America through his demons that we are ignorant of and too afraid to fight against!  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)(NKJV).  “Principalities,” “powers,” “rulers of the darkness,” and “spiritual hosts of wickedness” are all referencing the devil’s army, fallen angels and/or demons.  If the physical world is simply the manifestation of the spiritual world, our focus should be on the spiritual world, right?  If the bible says we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood, but rather fallen angels and demons, again, our focus should be on the spiritual world, right?  

     The question is then how?  How can Christians impose their will in the spiritual realm?  Most Christians would say through prayer.  This is true, but the full revelation of how to pray remains hidden to them.  Most Christians don’t know how to bind and loose spirits.  Most Christians don’t know how to cast out demons.  Most Christians don’t know how to heal the sick.  Most Christians are spiritually weak and ignorant.  All because they refused to walk out the great commission in its entirety, thus preventing the Holy Spirit from revealing such things to them.  This spiritual weakness and ignorance shouldn’t reflect on Christianity, it should reflect on the person!  

     Disciples on the other hand, they DO know of such things.  They DO bind and loose spirits.  They DO cast out demons.  They DO heal the sick.  They lay waste to the devil’s army.  They know the devil’s schemes and the tactics of his army.  Disciples go on the offensive and take back ground the devil has taken.  They rip people free from the devil’s grip.  They go to war, daily.  Disciples never think “it’s just not my personality” to live such a spiritually tough and aggressive life.  This is a lie from the enemy!  EVERY Christian needs to strive to become a disciple.  Every disciple wages war against the devil and his army at every opportunity.  

     As we approach the end times people will have to pick a side, Jesus or anything else.  If people flounder and give little effort towards Jesus, the devil will devour them.  It’s time for an army of disciples to be forged through living Holy and having a bone deep stubbornness towards enforcing God’s will in this world...demons be damned!



     America  is falling away from Christianity.  Our government is putting policies into place that are flagrantly against God’s will...and they are doing it quickly.  Most of the leaders probably think they are acting in a way that’s best for the country.  This is because they are ignorant of the demonic world.  They don’t realize they are the devil’s puppets.  It’s probably extremely rare, if not impossible, to have a politician reach a high level in government who makes God’s will his top priority.  The devil weeds those people out quickly.  As a result, we currently have many ungodly laws being made.  The federal government is also giving itself more power.  This allows the government to enforce these godless laws.  

     There will be laws that local law enforcement will refuse to enforce.  The laws that are too godless and/or unconstitutional.  For this reason, local law enforcement will be beat-down by the puppeteer.  Watch for the federal government establishing a federal police force who has authority over local law enforcement.  A federal police force to enforce the godless laws and later...the laws of the beast.          

     Ever since the devil was cast to earth, he has been scheming to take it over.  The malevolent puppeteer has always been using spiritually ignorant people as puppets to run governments, businesses, media, etc.  He’s worked a long time and done a good job to get the world in the spiritual state it’s in.  This is OK.  God has tipped the devil’s hand and showed us the cards he’s playing.  The bible is written and completed.  We know what it says.  The end times will come.  The beast will rule over the world for three and a half years.  But in the end, we win.  Done deal.  In the meantime, we MUST keep the faith.  Trying times are coming.  We will be put through intense trials.  We MUST keep the faith.  We must NOT take the beast’s mark.  Take the mark or die?  Easy choice.  For the sake of the lost, I’ll probably go down swinging though...    



     We must know that this is all necessary for biblical prophecy to be fulfilled.  It’s going to happen.  The malevolent puppeteer will put on his trance inducing show.  Luckily, God has done us a favor in letting us know the show’s storyline.  We know how the story goes and ends.  Because of our prophetic knowledge, we don’t have to watch the show and get sucked into the devil’s trance.  We won’t fall for the devil’s subtle trickery.  As long as we stay focused on the Word/Jesus and not the drama of the devil’s show, we’ll be just fine.


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