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Traumas, Accidents, & Injuries




     The intricacies of healing and deliverance aren’t always spelled out for us in scripture.  For this reason, disciples need to vigilantly research these things.  When the Holy Spirit sees a disciple putting forth such effort, He’ll start revealing things that have been previously hidden.  Slowly, but surely, we’ll learn how to walk out our power and authority over our enemy.  It comes down to vigilance.  A constant vigilance of submitting our own will to the Word/Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  The more we submit ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit, the more we will walk with power and authority.      

     The vigilant work of a disciple includes learning from people who already walk with the Spirit.  For me this includes Michael Smith at Hardcore Christianity, TB Joshua’s earlier videos, Chris Lasala’s earlier videos, Derek Prince, Win Worley, Frank Hammand, Don Dickerman, Mark Hemans, and many more.  We may not have their same style, but there is so much to learn from them.    

     When we study and compare the people who walk in the full gospel we can start seeing redundancies.  It’s good to take a mental note of these and figure there may be some truth there.  I see a redundancy regarding traumas, accidents, and injuries.  It’s apparent that they often open doorways for demons to enter us.         




     Here are examples of how demons can enter us through trauma, accident, and injury.  They’re also examples of the sad ending when not walking closely with the Holy Spirit.  

  • A child is repeatedly abused by an adult.  Trauma opens the door for spirits such as negativity, anger, rage, hate, rebellion, unforgiveness, bitterness, hopelessness, helplessness, frustration, self-harm, and suicide.  The child may seek coping mechanisms and turn to drugs, imaginations, and fantasy.  Those demons can open the door for even more demons such as alcoholism, addiction, witchcraft, mind binding spirits, confusion, bipolar, schizophrenia, hearing voices, mutiple personalities, legion, perversion, homosexuality, gender confusion, reclusiveness, etc.  The child grows into an adult with many problems because of all the demonic influence.    

  • A woman is rejected by a man.  The woman is so hurt that trauma opens the door to other spirits such as rejection, embarrassment, shame, sadness, depression, anger, rebellion, self-pity, self-harm, suicide, man-hate, feminism, Jezebel, pride, perversion, fornication, homosexuality, and lesbianism.  The woman later becomes a lesbian.

  • A boy is raped as a child.  Trauma opens the door to spirits such as hate, anger, rebellion, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, self-harm, suicide, shame, embarassment, reclusiveness, depression, pediphelia, fornication, perversion, and homosexuality.  Not knowing what to do and not understanding how God could let this happen, spirits such as God-hate, atheism, and witchcraft enter.  The boy carries buried hurt and shame for the rest of his life leading to many problems.  The boy grows into an adult pedophile himself because he has the same demons in him as the man who had raped him had!

  • A car crash breaks several bones.  The trauma, accident, and injury can open the door for spirits such as fear, insecurity, doubt, unbelief, pain, weakness, self-pity, idolatry (to medications/doctors), depression, heaviness, melancholy, anxiety, anger, short temper, and impatience.  The anger can open the door to ought, unforgiveness, bitterness, and grudge holding.  The mental and spiritual toll from a broken body can be severe.   

  • An incurable disease opens the door to fear, anxiety, infirmity, sickness, other diseases, self-pity, sadness, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, despair, self-harm, suicide, reclusiveness, negativity, anger, and God-hate.  The person suffers for the rest of their lives.                 

  • A boy is ignored by his father.  The trauma of no love and abandonment opens the door to spirits such as rejection, abandonment, hopelessness, unworthiness, low-self esteem, sadness, loneliness, shame, entitlement, entitlement to hold a grudge/anger/unforgiveness/bitterness.  The boy doesn’t experience a normal level of joy.  Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps us experience joy.  The child develops a dysregulation of dopamine throughout his life.  As an adult he develops Parkinson's disease (which is associated with a dysregulation of dopamine release).           




     If the people mentioned in the above examples were to vigilantly strive to become a disciple by walking out the full gospel, they would realize that all their problems are fixable.  There would be hope!  They could cast out the demons, heal their injuries, cure their diseases, and find peace and joy.      

     If we have the Holy Spirit we have all the faith we need to carry out the full gospel.  You may ask how come it’s so rare?  It’s because of the demons that get in us, especially doubt and unbelief.      


Matthew 17:14-20

And they having come toward the crowd, a man came near to Him, kneeling down to Him, and saying, Lord, have mercy on my son.  For he is moonstruck and suffers badly.  For he often falls into the fire, and often into the water.  And I brought him to Your disciples, and they did not have power to heal him.  And answering, Jesus said, O faithless and perverted generation!  Until when shall I be with you?  Until when shall I bear with you?  Bring him here to Me.  And Jesus rebuked it, and the demon came out from him; and the boy was healed from that hour.  Then coming up to Jesus privately, the disciples said, Why did we not have power to cast him out?  And Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief.  For truly I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there!  And it will move.  And nothing shall be impossible to you.



















A mustard seed


     The disciples had the faith to heal the kid, but their faith was blocked by unbelief.  

     Imagine you’re looking directly at the Holy Spirit.  He’s trying to give you something, but in between Him and you is a thick cloudy mist.  It’s hard to see through the mist so you can’t see what He’s trying to give you.  This mist is made up of doubt, unbelief, and other demons.  When these demons are cast out you’ll have a clear view of the Holy Spirit.  You can then see He had been trying to give you faith.  You can finally accept His gift of faith, which will allow you to walk in power and authority over demons, disease, and injury.  You’ll start maturing from a Christian into a disciple.    

     See, if we have the Holy Spirit, we already have the faith we need.  We just need to cast out the demons that are blocking us from utilizing that faith.    




     The negative effects of traumas, accidents, and injuries can be severe.  That’s OK because these effects are no match compared to the power of a disciple.  Through continual deliverance we disciples are kept clean.  Doubt and unbelief aren’t around to block our faith.  Fear isn’t around to make us hesitant to practice our authority and power.  If trauma, accidents, and injuries knock us down, we pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off, and carry on.  Our goal is to carry out the full gospel and the only way to do this is by being led by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will give us a deep peace that even death itself can’t affect.   




     After a trauma, accident, or injury we disciples will be OK.  As a matter of fact we’ll be better than OK.  After remaining faithful through a fiery trial, we will be rewarded with a spiritual promotion.  The Holy Spirit will reveal more hidden truths to us.  We also will have deeper insight and understanding of that trial than if we had never gone through it.  We’ll then become especially proficient at helping others who are going through a similar trial.  Disciples will turn a fiery trial for them, into a blessing for someone else...that’s what disciples do.  For these reasons, disciples look at trials as blessings.


James 1:2-4

My brothers count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith works enduring patience.  But let enduring patience have its perfective work, that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.            


     Another benefit of a fiery trial is that it tests and reveals our level of faith.  A fiery trial burns away all the nonsense in our life.  What’s left behind is our faith, which is priceless.  Faith can carry us through all trials with joy.        


1 Peter 1:6-9

...yet a little while, if it is needful, having been grieved in many various kinds of trials, so that the testing of your faith, much more precious than perishing gold, but being tested through fire, may be found to praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ; whom having not known, you love; in whom not yet seeing, but believing, you exult with joy unspeakable and being glorified, obtaining the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 


     Disciples who practice the full gospel walk closely with the Holy Spirit.  For this they are blessed.  When He’s leading our lives at the time of a trauma, accident, or injury we can handle anything.  This is because there is always hope - hope of being able to absorb abuse without being crushed, hope of removing continual torment, and hope of being completely healed.  


Psalm 91:1-16

He who dwells in the hiding place of the Most High shall lodge in the shade of the Almighty.  I will say to Jehovah: my refuge and my fortress, my God; I will trust in Him.  For He delivers you from the fowler’s snare, from the destructive plague.  With His feathers He will cover you, and under His wings you shall seek refuge; His truth is a shield and buckler.  You shall not fear the terror of night, of the arrow that flies by day; of the plague that walks in darkness, of the destruction laying waste at noonday.  A thousand shall fall by your side, and a myriad at your right hand; it shall not come near you.  Only with your eyes you shall look and see the retribution of the wicked ones.  Because You, O Jehovah, are my refuge; You make the Most High Your habitation, no evil disease shall happen to you, nor shall any plague come near your tent.  For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.  They shall bear you up in their palms, that you not dash your foot on a stone.  You shall tread on the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent you shall trample under foot.  Because He has set His love on me.  Therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high because he has known My name.  He shall call on Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress; I will rescue him and honor him.  I will satisfy him with length of days, and will make him see My salvation. 


     God the Father and Jesus knew us before we were born.  We were born in this world to the father, mother, and siblings we were given.  We didn’t pick them.  If they treat us badly, it isn’t our fault.  We must remember who we are.  We are children of God Most High.  We don’t have to tolerate the effects of trauma, accidents, and injuries in our life.  We must look through the spiritual eyes of a disciple.  We must forgive everyone who hurt us, cast out our demons, and get healed.  Whatever happened to us doesn’t change who we are.  Whatever abuse we may have gone through doesn’t have to continue to affect us, unless we choose to believe the demons who are whispering in our ear.  


1 Peter 5:6-7 humbled under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in time; “casting all your anxiety onto Him,” because it matters to Him concerning you.


NOTE:  To men and women of violent action... To help prevent PTSD and similar conditions, during a violent encounter it is very important to act without emotion.  A non-emotional, tactically objective mindset should rule the day.  We can’t let emotions influence our thoughts and actions.  If emotions do get involved, they can cause hesitation, overreaction, underraction, and sloppiness.  In turn it can cause us to fall under unwanted scrutiny, get teammates hurt, get innocent people hurt, etc.  In general, acting with violence through emotion is bad news.  It can set us up for demonic attacks such as PTSD.  Anger and revenge should have no place in our decision making or our actions.  Less soulish emotions leading the way...less mess to clean up afterwards.  If we do open ourselves up to PTSD and similar spirits, we simply have to repent and cast them out.


Isaiah 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not gaze about, for I am your God; I will make you strong; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.




     Our enemies aren’t the people who traumatize us.  Our enemies are the demons influencing us.  We mustn’t ever forget this, even for a second.  We must strive to always be looking through spiritual eyes.  We must see the world as it really is, as the bible describes, as the Holy Spirit reveals.  The world will always be trying to make us look at it from a worldly perspective.  A disciple is aware of this and doggedly remains looking through spiritual eyes. 





  1. Ask God for forgiveness of our ancestors who allowed traumas, accidents, and injuries to lead them down a dark path.  Personally forgive our ancestors for sending any demons down the family line as a result of traumas, accidents, and injuries.  In the name of Jesus, break all these generational curses.

  2. Repent to God for allowing demons to enter us through traumas, accidents, and injuries.  

  3. Cast out all the demons that may have gained an influence over us as a result of traumas, accidents, or injuries.  The following is a suggestive list to follow…

  • Doubt, unbelief, skepticism, distrust, antichrist, faithlessness, hard heartedness, deceiving spirits, incomplete doctrine, false doctrine.  

  • Trauma, exposure to trauma victims, tragedy, woundedness, brokenness, smite, beat down, injury, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abusive relationship, belittling, mocking, torment, yelling in anger, sarcasm, suffering, on-going grief, on-going sadness, on-going frustration, compassion fatigue, burnout, emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion.

  • Accident, injury, infirmity, disease, sickness, premature death, death, addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse, drug addiction.    

  • Rejection, shattered/broken heart, self-hatred, self-rejection, self-depreciation, self-loathing, abandonment, discouragement, unloving spirits, inability to love, inability to receive love, competition, people pleasing

  • Fear, fear of man, fear of relationships, nervousness, timidity, worry, stress, anxiety, embarrassment, PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, daydreams, insanity, paranoia, bipolar, schizophrenia, intrusive evil thoughts, death, spiritual paralysis, emotional paralysis, depression, heaviness, hopelessness, despair, helplessness, self-harm, suicide, negativity

  • Anger, hatred, ought, unforgiveness, bitterness, irritation, frustration 

       Special Note: Self-pity is very dangerous.  Emotion and pride work together to allow self-pity to enter us.  Self-pity is a sin and

       it opens the door for many other demons. 

  4.  Learn the Word, be obedient to the Word, allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.

A Mustard Seed
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